After Login to our portal, you will be in the Dashboard. NOTE : Regardless of its function, it will have the menu on the left with options and functions according to your module and permission. Clients Request for Quotation Request for Proposal Auctions Proposals Purchase Orders Measurements Invoicing Bills to Receive Contracts Activations Homologation Comunications SPF If you are still having problems, please contact us via our support icon. (httpsFew readersHow to edit an already answered Proposal?
This action is only possible if the process is still within the expiration period defined by the buyer. After being logged in to our platform. In the left menu, find the Proposals option. In the line of submitted proposals, click on the 'eye' at the end of the row. Edit whatever interests you, and after all changes, click on the Send button. If you are still having problems, please contact us via our support icon. (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/webSome readersHow do I respond to an Expired Request for Quotation?
Unfortunately, it is not possible to respond to an Expired Request for Quotation. Optionally, what can be done is to ask the buyer to reopen the process, but obviously it depends on the conditions in which the process is found for the buyer, mainly in distant spaces between its current date and the expired period. In the system, it is possible to visualize the process and verify the buyer's data. Follow the following steps: After being logged in to our platform. In the left menu, find thFew readersClients
After logging in to our portal, in the left menu, there are Clients. In the Records option, you can check which customers have registered you as a Supplier. For information about your customer, click on the 'eye' at the end of the line. In the Documents option, you can check the documents that were reFew readersRequests For Quotation
After logging in to our portal, in the left menu, there are Request for Quotation. In this option, you check some information such as: status of the request, when the request was made, if there is a deadline to respond, the code, the description of the request and which client you received the proposal from. How do I respond to a Request for Quotation? At the end of the request line, thereFew readersProposals
After answering the quote request, in the left menu, there are Proposals. In this option, you check the proposals already answered, what is the situation, the code generated, how many times the revision was requested, when it was sent, the description, the client and the quotation code. And further down the line, if you want to check information or details, just click on the 'eye' . How to rFew readersPurchase Orders
After logging in to our portal, in the left menu, there are Purchase Orders. In the orders option, you can check the order information, the status, the generated code, the issue date, the customer, the description, the quotation code and also the total value of the order. And further down the line if you want to check information or details, send a message to the buyer, print the order as a PDF, accepSome readersMeasurements
After logging in to our portal, in the left menu, there are Measurements. In this option, you check the measurements, their status, which measurement code, which customer, review, approval and billing dates, payment date, contract number and order number. When the measurement is with the situation Supplier Review. It is necessary for the supplier to review the measurement. Clicking on the 3 dotsFew readersInvoices
After logging in to our portal, in the left menu, there are Invoicing. In the Invoicing option, you can check the situation, the invoice number, the type and model, which customer, the date of issue/delivery and the total amount. How do I add billing for my account? To add another billing, just go to Add, in the upper right corner and fill in the fields. But also if you want to checFew readersBills to Receive
After logging in to our portal, in the left menu, there are Bills to Receive. In the Bills to Receive option, you can check information about the payment status of the purchase order, which is the security number, which is the payment slip, for which branch (if any), customer and due date. If you want to check information and details, just click on the 3 dots at the end of the line. IMPORTANTFew readersContracts
After logging in to our portal, in the left menu, there are Contracts. In the Contracts option, you can check the contract information, its status, code and description, for which customer and its start and end date. If you want to check information or details, just click on the 'eye' at the end of the line. Note: If you have doubts about the contract situation, just click on the situation,Some readersActivations
After logging in to our portal, in the left menu, there are Activations. The activation process would be a supplier validation/activation step in the buyer's 'supplier list'. In the Activations option, you can check the activation status, which customer the activation was received from, the activation code, description and activation start date and expiration date. At the end of the line, there wilFew readersHomologations
After logging in to our portal, in the left menu, there are Homologation. The Homologation process would be a stage of validation/activation of the supplier, in the 'supplier list' of the buyer. In the Homologation option, you can check the approval status, which customer it was received from, the approval code, the description and the activation start and expiration date and the score (percentageFew readers