Articles on: Sales

Requests For Quotation

After logging in to our portal, in the left menu, there are Request for Quotation.

In this option, you check some information such as: status of the request, when the request was made, if there is a deadline to respond, the code, the description of the request and which client you received the proposal from.

How do I respond to a Request for Quotation?

At the end of the request line, there is the option Answer and also 3 dots with 2 functions (Download the PDF of the quote and an 'eye' to visualize the request).

NOTE: A red dot with an exclamation point may appear. In this case, you must contact the buyer explaining the situation and saying that you do not have access to the quotation to respond.

Detail: The little red ball with the number 'above' the request number is the notification that the process is pending a response.

When you click on Answer, you will see the entire request, with fields to fill in, whether it is mandatory or not.
Note: If there is any field that is required and not filled in, it will turn red, warning that it is a required field.

When opening the Quotation Request, there are a few options, they are: you can send a direct message to the buyer through the platform, decline the quotation entirely, save it as a draft if you have any questions and the option to send the quotation response to the buyer.

After filling in, just click Send, up there in the header on the right.

Observation: If you have doubts about the status of the proposal, just click on the status, and each type of situation and its respective caption will appear.

If you are still having problems, please contact us via our support icon.

Or you can also contact us by e-mail at .

Updated on: 09/26/2023

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