How do I respond to a request for quotation?
To answer a Request for Quotation, there are 5 simple steps.
1st - When you receive the Request for Quotation notification, click on the link that accompanies this email and you will be directed to the system.
2nd - When you enter the system, click on the Left Side Menu on the option Requests for quotation.
3rd - On the Requests for Quotation screen, you may have one or more processes pending a response. Click on reply to access the quotation, and next to the option Reply/Review Proposal, there will be '3 dots', with the options to Download PDF and View, if you wish to download or just view.

Note: The little red ball with the number 'above' the request number is the notification that this process is pending a response.
4th - Answer the Request according to the fields open for filling in (there are optional fields and mandatory fields that will be notified in red if they are not filled in).
NOTE: When you get to the items in the process, you may need to fill in some information other than the price of the item, such as the amount of tax.
To enter these values, click on the “Highlight Taxes” button. Also remember that some taxes will be available to fill in according to the Tax Regime and whether or not your company is a State taxpayer.

NOTE : If you have an item that you don't have in stock or don't work with, you can tell the buyer. Just click on “Refuse item” or “Item not available” with the red thumbs-down symbol.

5th - After filling in the values in the items, a little further down in the proposal there are some fields such as: Details for supplier control, Shipping/Freight, Payment, Proposal attachments and Comments.
If any of this information needs to be filled in, the field will carry a “ * ”. In the attachments section, you can drag a file into the underlined box or click on the " Choose files " option.

6th - When you've finished your answers, scroll up to the proposal header and click on the Send button (in the top right corner).

If you are still having problems, please contact us via our support icon.
Or you can also contact us by e-mail at .
1st - When you receive the Request for Quotation notification, click on the link that accompanies this email and you will be directed to the system.
2nd - When you enter the system, click on the Left Side Menu on the option Requests for quotation.

3rd - On the Requests for Quotation screen, you may have one or more processes pending a response. Click on reply to access the quotation, and next to the option Reply/Review Proposal, there will be '3 dots', with the options to Download PDF and View, if you wish to download or just view.

Note: The little red ball with the number 'above' the request number is the notification that this process is pending a response.
4th - Answer the Request according to the fields open for filling in (there are optional fields and mandatory fields that will be notified in red if they are not filled in).
NOTE: When you get to the items in the process, you may need to fill in some information other than the price of the item, such as the amount of tax.
To enter these values, click on the “Highlight Taxes” button. Also remember that some taxes will be available to fill in according to the Tax Regime and whether or not your company is a State taxpayer.

NOTE : If you have an item that you don't have in stock or don't work with, you can tell the buyer. Just click on “Refuse item” or “Item not available” with the red thumbs-down symbol.

5th - After filling in the values in the items, a little further down in the proposal there are some fields such as: Details for supplier control, Shipping/Freight, Payment, Proposal attachments and Comments.
If any of this information needs to be filled in, the field will carry a “ * ”. In the attachments section, you can drag a file into the underlined box or click on the " Choose files " option.

6th - When you've finished your answers, scroll up to the proposal header and click on the Send button (in the top right corner).

If you are still having problems, please contact us via our support icon.

Or you can also contact us by e-mail at .
Updated on: 12/13/2024
Thank you!